Monday, September 3, 2012

Bus service

College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina.

Elena Botella, a student at Duke University and president of the College Democrats of North Carolina, said her school was busing 100 students to the speech.

Lonnie Randolph, the president of the South Carolina chapter of the NAACP, said several large black churches in his state are planning to send busloads of members on Thursday to watch the president's speech.

Busing people in - typical tactics of authoritarian regimes: Putin, Chavez, Morales, etc. All are in desperate need of "public support and people's will" after illegitimate election "victories".

The democrats have chosen the right examples to follow, that's for sure. The party of corrupt big government will do what other leaders of corrupt big governments do.

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