Thursday, September 6, 2012

Who said people don't like me?!!....

Emails suggest Axelrod leaned on Gallup after unfavorable poll

Employees at the venerable Gallup polling firm suggested they felt threatened by Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod when he questioned the methodology of a mid-April poll showing Mitt Romney leading the president ......
when Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, the Obama administration’s Justice Department revived a 2009 whistle-blower lawsuit against the firm by joining the suit ......

This is yet more evidence that Obama and his crew think and talk like Putin, Chavez and company. A poll firm shows them trailing - attack the poll firm. Rating becomes an objective of its own. Who cares if the economy is fine, or if the debt is huge? As long as Gallup reports "good" results, Obama is happy.

I think they should think as appropriate for the 21st century. Instead of going after Gallup, send FBI agents to the homes of those who voted for Romney and threaten them with environmental charges/litigation if they don't change their minds. Their identities are easily obtainable using the PATRIOT Act, after all (thanks, Bush!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Drug war

The government's job is to protect people from each other. It's not in the business of protecting a person from him- or herself.

Using drugs, or growing and/or possessing them with the intent of using them, hurt the user only and should not be punished, period.

However, selling/giving certain drugs (heroin, meth, LSD) to someone else hurts that person and hence should be a punishable crime. Furthermore, if one is found in possession but refuses to give away the dealer they bought it from (if they bought from a dealer), then they're obstructing justice and should be charged with that. Excuses like "I found it on the street" should not work.

Obviously, appropriate border and coast protection will go a long way towards reducing the flow of illicit drugs from foreign countries.

Monday, September 3, 2012

"Freedom" of speech

Adult children of gay couples were two to four times as likely to be on public assistance, more than twice as likely to be unemployed and more than twice as likely to have contemplated suicide.
The inquiry was conducted by a four-member advisory panel composed of senior university faculty members, who seized Regnerus’ computers and 42,000 emails.

The study indicates that children raised by gay parents experienced worse childhoods on average than children of married couples of the opposite sex, who were also their biological parents.

A professor publishing a research not in line with the mainstream bullshit is accused of all possible and impossible sins, his university computers and communication seized, etc. Why stop there - he should be jailed! executed!
Funny choice of verb by LGBTweekly, too - "exonerated" - as if he was previously found guilty of a crime. How dare he say something they don't like! Surely he's a criminal.

The willingness of so many people to ignore the basic tenets of nature - that 99% of species, particularly mammals, need a couple of the opposite sex for pro-creation - shows how hypocritical have we as a society become. The same people will scream "science" when it suits their views (or they think it does, or they think they can convince others it does), yet science would be the first thing to forget when it doesn't.

Come on, people! If you disagree, go conduct your own study – which should prove him wrong, right? Why all this character assassination, accusations of dishonesty, etc.? Could it be your understanding of him being correct and you being wrong? and consequently, your inability to argue the actual point?
Should LGBT movement’s reaction to Regnerus’ study then be construed as acknowledgement of his correctness?

Bus service

College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina.

Elena Botella, a student at Duke University and president of the College Democrats of North Carolina, said her school was busing 100 students to the speech.

Lonnie Randolph, the president of the South Carolina chapter of the NAACP, said several large black churches in his state are planning to send busloads of members on Thursday to watch the president's speech.

Busing people in - typical tactics of authoritarian regimes: Putin, Chavez, Morales, etc. All are in desperate need of "public support and people's will" after illegitimate election "victories".

The democrats have chosen the right examples to follow, that's for sure. The party of corrupt big government will do what other leaders of corrupt big governments do.